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      • EN
      • There is something morbidly fascinating about the dark and grotesque. Although it is human nature to tiptoe around the uncomfortable (or avoid it altogether), some artists are inspired by the unsettling to create intriguing works of art that push the boundaries of normality and provoke viewers into exploring their fears and taboos. There are also others who use them as springboards of the imagination to express their innermost feelings and question the often-grim realities of existence. In conjunction with Victionary's 20th anniversary, the new edition of 'DARK INSPIRATION' combines most of the projects from the first two best-selling titles of the same name along with new work into one meaty celebration of the macabre. Featuring chilling depictions of childhood reveries, folklore, mysteries, and death in a variety of styles and interpretations, each project serves unconventionally as a celebration of life in all its gruesome glory.

      • Title
      • Dark Inspiration : Grotesque Illustrations, Art & Design
      • Price
      • KRW 50,000
      • Publisher
      • Victionary
      • ISBN
      • 9789887462934
        • Pages
        • 384pp
        • Size
        • 150mm x 210mm
        • Binding
        • Soft Cover

    There is something morbidly fascinating about the dark and grotesque. Although it is human nature to tiptoe around the uncomfortable (or avoid it altogether), some artists are inspired by the unsettling to create intriguing works of art that push the boundaries of normality and provoke viewers into exploring their fears and taboos. There are also others who use them as springboards of the imagination to express their innermost feelings and question the often-grim realities of existence. In conjunction with Victionary's 20th anniversary, the new edition of 'DARK INSPIRATION' combines most of the projects from the first two best-selling titles of the same name along with new work into one meaty celebration of the macabre. Featuring chilling depictions of childhood reveries, folklore, mysteries, and death in a variety of styles and interpretations, each project serves unconventionally as a celebration of life in all its gruesome glory.


    어둡고 그로테스크한 것에는 병적으로 매혹적인 무언가가 있습니다. 불편한 것을 발끝으로 피하는 것은 인간의 본성이지만, 일부 예술가들은 불안함에서 영감을 받아 평범함의 경계를 넓히고 관객이 두려움과 금기를 탐구하도록 자극하는 흥미로운 예술 작품을 만듭니다. 또한 내면의 감정을 표현하고 종종 암울한 존재의 현실에 의문을 제기하기 위해 상상력의 발판으로 사용하는 사람들도 있습니다. 빅셔너리의 20주년을 맞아 '다크 인스퍼레이션(DARK INSPIRATION)'의 새로운 에디션은 동명의 베스트셀러 타이틀 두 편과 신작의 프로젝트 대부분을 하나의 섬뜩한 축제로 결합합니다. 어린 시절의 몽상, 민속, 미스터리, 죽음에 대한 오싹한 묘사를 다양한 스타일과 해석으로 표현하는 각 프로젝트는 섬뜩한 영광의 삶을 기념하는 파격적인 역할을 합니다.

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