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      • EN
      • The life and times of Pieter Bruegel the Elder (c. 1526/30–1569) were marked by stark cultural conflict. He witnessed religious wars, the Duke of Alba’s brutal rule as governor of the Netherlands, and the palpable effects of the Inquisition. To this day, the Flemish artist remains shrouded in mystery. We know neither where nor exactly when he was born. But while early scholarship emphasized the vernacular character of his painting and graphic work, modern research has attached greater importance to its humanistic content. Starting out as a print designer for publisher Hieronymus Cock, Bruegel produced numerous print series that were distributed throughout Europe. These depicted vices and virtues alongside jolly peasant festivals and sweeping landscape panoramas. He then increasingly turned to painting, working for the cultural elite of Antwerp and Brussels. Rather than idealizing reality, he bravely confronted the issues of his day, addressing the horrors of religious warfare and taking a critical stand against the institution of the Church. To this end, Bruegel developed his own pictorial language of dissidence, lacing innocuous everyday scenes with subliminal statements in order to escape repercussions. This book is derived from our XXL monograph, which saw TASCHEN undertake a comprehensive photographic survey of the artist’s oeuvre. The result boasts exceptional details and reproductions, unveiling Bruegel’s larger-than-life universe with unprecedented clarity. This volume, in celebration of our 40th anniversary, presents all 40 paintings, accompanied by enlarged details and accessible, immersive texts.

      • Title
      • Bruegel. The Complete Paintings : 40th Anniversary Edition
      • Price
      • KRW 40,000
      • Publisher
      • TASCHEN
      • ISBN
      • 9783836580960
        • Pages
        • 512pp
        • Size
        • 162mm x 233mm
        • Binding
        • Hard Cover

    The life and times of Pieter Bruegel the Elder (c. 1526/30–1569) were marked by stark cultural conflict. He witnessed religious wars, the Duke of Alba’s brutal rule as governor of the Netherlands, and the palpable effects of the Inquisition. To this day, the Flemish artist remains shrouded in mystery. We know neither where nor exactly when he was born. But while early scholarship emphasized the vernacular character of his painting and graphic work, modern research has attached greater importance to its humanistic content. Starting out as a print designer for publisher Hieronymus Cock, Bruegel produced numerous print series that were distributed throughout Europe. These depicted vices and virtues alongside jolly peasant festivals and sweeping landscape panoramas. He then increasingly turned to painting, working for the cultural elite of Antwerp and Brussels. Rather than idealizing reality, he bravely confronted the issues of his day, addressing the horrors of religious warfare and taking a critical stand against the institution of the Church. To this end, Bruegel developed his own pictorial language of dissidence, lacing innocuous everyday scenes with subliminal statements in order to escape repercussions. This book is derived from our XXL monograph, which saw TASCHEN undertake a comprehensive photographic survey of the artist’s oeuvre. The result boasts exceptional details and reproductions, unveiling Bruegel’s larger-than-life universe with unprecedented clarity. This volume, in celebration of our 40th anniversary, presents all 40 paintings, accompanied by enlarged details and accessible, immersive texts.


    피테르 브뤼겔 대제 (1526/30–1569)의 삶과 시대는 극심한 문화적 갈등으로 특징지어집니다. 그는 종교 전쟁, 알바 공작의 네덜란드 총독으로서의 잔혹한 통치, 그리고 종교재판의 명백한 영향을 목격했습니다. 오늘날까지도, 그 플랑드르 예술가는 신비에 싸여 있습니다. 우리는 그가 어디에서 태어났는지, 정확히 언제 태어났는지 알지 못합니다. 그러나 초기 학자들이 그의 그림과 그래픽 작업의 토착민적인 성격을 강조했지만, 현대 연구는 그것의 인문학적인 내용에 더 큰 중요성을 부여했습니다. 출판사 Hieronymus Cock의 인쇄 디자이너로 시작한 Bruegel은 유럽 전역에 배포된 수많은 인쇄 시리즈를 제작했습니다. 이것들은 즐거운 소작농 축제와 광범위한 풍경 파노라마와 함께 악덕과 미덕을 묘사했습니다. 그리고 나서 그는 앤트워프와 브뤼셀의 문화 엘리트들을 위해 일하면서 점점 더 그림으로 눈을 돌렸습니다. 현실을 이상화하기 보다는 종교 전쟁의 공포를 다루고 교회의 제도에 대해 비판적인 입장을 취하면서 그는 용감하게 당대의 문제에 직면했습니다. 이를 위해, Bruegel은 영향을 피하기 위해 악의 없는 일상 장면을 승화적인 진술로 장식하면서 자신만의 그림 같은 불화 언어를 개발했습니다. 이 책은 TASCHEN이 예술가의 오에브르에 대한 포괄적인 사진 조사를 수행하는 것을 본 XXL 모노그래프에서 파생되었습니다. 그 결과는 탁월한 세부 사항과 재현을 자랑하며, 전례 없이 선명하게 브뤼겔의 실물보다 더 큰 우주를 공개합니다. 이 책은 40주년을 기념하여 확대된 세부 사항과 접근 가능하고 몰입감 있는 텍스트가 함께 제공됩니다.

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