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      • EN
      • After Egon Schiele (1890–1918) freed himself from the shadow of his mentor and role model Gustav Klimt, he had just ten years to inscribe his signature style into the annals of modernity before the Spanish flu claimed his life. Being a child prodigy quite aware of his own genius and a passionate provocateur, this didn’t prove to be too big a challenge. His haggard, overstretched figures, extreme depiction of sexuality and self-portraits, in which he staged himself with emaciated facial expressions bordering between brilliance and madness, had none of the decorative quality of Klimt’s hymns of love, sexuality and yearning devotion. Instead, Schiele’s work spoke of a brutal honesty, one that would upset and irreversibly change Viennese society. Although his works were later defamed as “degenerate” and for a time were almost forgotten altogether, they influenced generations of artists―from Günter Brus and Francis Bacon to Tracey Emin. Today, his then misunderstood oeuvre continues to fetch exorbitant prices on the international art market. This monograph, first published in an XL edition, is now available in a slightly abridged, more compact edition to celebrate TASCHEN’s 40th anniversary and features the paintings and drawings that retrace the fertile last decade of Schiele’s life. These works are accompanied by essays introducing his life and oeuvre, situating the Austrian master in the context of European Expressionism and charting his extraordinary legacy.

      • Title
      • Egon Schiele The Paintings : 40th Anniversary Edition
      • Price
      • KRW 40,000
      • Publisher
      • TASCHEN
      • ISBN
      • 9783836581257
        • Pages
        • 512pp
        • Size
        • 162mm x 233mm
        • Binding
        • Hard Cover

    After Egon Schiele (1890–1918) freed himself from the shadow of his mentor and role model Gustav Klimt, he had just ten years to inscribe his signature style into the annals of modernity before the Spanish flu claimed his life. Being a child prodigy quite aware of his own genius and a passionate provocateur, this didn’t prove to be too big a challenge. His haggard, overstretched figures, extreme depiction of sexuality and self-portraits, in which he staged himself with emaciated facial expressions bordering between brilliance and madness, had none of the decorative quality of Klimt’s hymns of love, sexuality and yearning devotion. Instead, Schiele’s work spoke of a brutal honesty, one that would upset and irreversibly change Viennese society. Although his works were later defamed as “degenerate” and for a time were almost forgotten altogether, they influenced generations of artists―from Günter Brus and Francis Bacon to Tracey Emin. Today, his then misunderstood oeuvre continues to fetch exorbitant prices on the international art market. This monograph, first published in an XL edition, is now available in a slightly abridged, more compact edition to celebrate TASCHEN’s 40th anniversary and features the paintings and drawings that retrace the fertile last decade of Schiele’s life. These works are accompanied by essays introducing his life and oeuvre, situating the Austrian master in the context of European Expressionism and charting his extraordinary legacy.


    에곤 쉴레(Egon Schiele, 1890–1918)가 그의 스승이자 롤모델인 구스타프 클림트의 그늘에서 벗어난 후, 스페인 독감이 그의 목숨을 앗아가기 전까지, 그는 현대의 연보에 그의 특징적인 스타일을 새기는 데 단지 10년이 걸렸습니다. 신동이 그 자신의 천재성을 잘 알고 있고, 열정적인 도발자이기 때문에, 이것은 큰 도전이 되지 않았습니다. 그의 초췌하고 과도하게 뻗은 형상들, 극도의 섹슈얼리티 묘사와 자화상들, 그가 탁월함과 광기 사이에 경계를 둔 수척한 표정들로 자신을 무대에 올린 그의 작품은 클림트의 사랑, 섹슈얼리티, 그리운 헌신의 찬송가들 중 어떤 장식적인 특징도 가지고 있지 않았습니다. 대신, 쉴레의 작품은 비엔나 사회를 화나게 하고 돌이킬 수 없이 변화시킬 잔인한 정직함에 대해 말했습니다. 비록 그의 작품들이 나중에 "퇴폐적"으로 명예가 훼손되었고, 한동안은 거의 잊혀졌지만, 그것들은 귄터 브루스와 프란시스 베이컨부터 트레이시 에민에 이르기까지 여러 세대의 예술가들에게 영향을 미쳤습니다. 오늘날, 그 당시 오해를 받은 그의 작품은 국제 예술 시장에서 터무니없는 가격을 계속 받고 있습니다. XL판으로 처음 출판된 이 모노그래프는 이제 TASCHEN의 40주년을 기념하기 위해 약간 간략하고 더 컴팩트한 판으로 제공되며 쉴레의 비옥한 마지막 10년을 거슬러 올라가는 그림과 드로잉을 특징으로 합니다. 이 작품들은 그의 삶과 오에브르를 소개하고 유럽 표현주의의 맥락에서 오스트리아의 거장을 상황화하고 그의 특별한 유산을 도표화하는 에세이와 함께 제공됩니다.

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