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      • EN
      • Access to the ever-expanding world of "Blue Archive." The long-awaited second official "Blue Archive" artwork includes all the visuals of the "Blue Archive" released during the 1st to 2nd anniversaries (2022.04.2022.03). It includes character profiles, commemorative lobbies, key visuals, as well as initial character settings, rough illustrations, interviews with production staff (development director × art director × scenario director × illustrator), and a number of illustration cuts that appeared in the main film from the prologue to the final chapter.

      • Title
      • ブル-ア-カイブ オフィシャルア-トワ-クス VOL.2
      • Price
      • KRW 50,000
      • Publisher
      • 一迅社
      • ISBN
      • 9784758025881
        • Pages
        • 320pp
        • Size
        • 297mm x 210mm
        • Binding
        • Soft Cover

    Access to the ever-expanding world of "Blue Archive." The long-awaited second official "Blue Archive" artwork includes all the visuals of the "Blue Archive" released during the 1st to 2nd anniversaries (2022.04.2022.03). It includes character profiles, commemorative lobbies, key visuals, as well as initial character settings, rough illustrations, interviews with production staff (development director × art director × scenario director × illustrator), and a number of illustration cuts that appeared in the main film from the prologue to the final chapter.


    끝없이 확장되는 "블루 아카이브"의 세계에 접근합니다. 대망의 제2탄의 「블루 아카이브」 공식 아트워크는 1주년에서 2주년(2022.02.04 ~ 2023.02.03)의 기간에 공개된 「블루 아카이브」의 비주얼을 모두 철저하게 수록하고 있습니다. 캐릭터 프로필, 기념 로비, 키 비주얼 등은 물론, 초기 캐릭터 설정, 러프 일러스트, 제작진(개발 디렉터× 아트 디렉터× 시나리오 디렉터× 일러스트레이터)과의 인터뷰, 프롤로그부터 최종장까지 본편에 등장한 일러스트 컷도 다수 수록되어 있습니다.

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