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      • EN
      • Across time and space, the motifs and images of Decadence are repeatedly depicted in literature, fine arts, music and other art forms. This book presents numerous historically important art works spanning from the 19th century to Surrealism, including notable European illustrators such as Odilon Redon, Gustav Klimt, and many more. Each chapter comprehensively showcases such art works, grouping them by stylistic category or artistic movement: Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood; Symbolism in France, Germany and Belgium; Wiener Secession; Art Nouveau and Art Deco; Eroticism; book illustrators; Surrealist artists and so on. This collection also explores the theme of the femme fatale through representations of Sirens, mermaids and witches, as well as characters from Greek mythology, modern literary works, and so on. The Art of Decadence is sure to become a most treasured book for artists and illustrators, especially those with a keen interest in 19th-century European art.

      • Title
      • The Art of Decadence : ヨ-ロッパの幻想美術 世紀末デカダンスとファム.ファタ-ル(宿命の女)たち
      • Price
      • KRW 50,000
      • Publisher
      • Pie International
      • ISBN
      • 9784756248411
        • Pages
        • 400pp
        • Size
        • 185mm x 259mm
        • Binding
        • Soft Cover

    Across time and space, the motifs and images of Decadence are repeatedly depicted in literature, fine arts, music and other art forms. This book presents numerous historically important art works spanning from the 19th century to Surrealism, including notable European illustrators such as Odilon Redon, Gustav Klimt, and many more. Each chapter comprehensively showcases such art works, grouping them by stylistic category or artistic movement: Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood; Symbolism in France, Germany and Belgium; Wiener Secession; Art Nouveau and Art Deco; Eroticism; book illustrators; Surrealist artists and so on. This collection also explores the theme of the femme fatale through representations of Sirens, mermaids and witches, as well as characters from Greek mythology, modern literary works, and so on. The Art of Decadence is sure to become a most treasured book for artists and illustrators, especially those with a keen interest in 19th-century European art.


    시공을 초월하여 데커던스의 모티브나 이미지는 문학, 미술, 음악, 기타 예술 형식으로 반복적으로 그려져 있습니다. 이 책은 19세기부터 초현실주의에 이르기까지 오딜론 레돈, 구스타프 클림트 등 저명한 유럽 일러스트레이터를 포함한 수많은 역사적으로 중요한 예술 작품을 소개하고 있습니다. 각 장에서는 그러한 예술 작품을 종합적으로 소개하고 양식적인 카테고리 또는 예술적인 움직임에 의해 그룹화합니다.라파엘 이전의 형제애, 프랑스, 독일, 벨기에의 상징주의, 빈 분리, 아르 누보와 아르 데코, 에로티즘, 책 일러스트레이터, 초현실주의 예술가 등입니다. 이 컬렉션은 또한 사이렌, 인어, 마녀, 그리스 신화의 등장인물, 현대 문학 작품 등을 통해 여성의 운명의 주제를 탐구합니다. 『퇴폐의 예술』은 예술가와 일러스트레이터, 특히 19세기 유럽 미술에 강한 관심을 가진 사람들에게 가장 귀중한 책이 될 것입니다.

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