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      • EN
      • More than just a truly outstanding graphic designer, Otl Eicher was an innovative thinker, photographer, typographer, ecologist, philosopher, and co-founder and mentor of Ulm's famous Hochschule fuer Gestaltung. On his centenary, this splendidly produced and designed book examines every aspect of his career and tracks many strands of his lasting influence. We learn about Eicher's work in developing corporate brands. He learns how he created the Rotis typeface and then built architecture that includes fonts, how he collaborated with artists and architects such as Joseph Albers, Alexander Kluge, and Norman Foster, and how his founding of the Ulm School of Design reflected teaching and his passion for an open, free, democratic society. Eicher's achievements are evident in almost every public space on Earth, and this solid and timely reference work properly places him as one of the pioneering geniuses of the last century.

      • Title
      • Otl Aicher : Design : 1922-1991
      • Price
      • KRW 60,000
      • Publisher
      • Prestel Publishing
      • ISBN
      • 9783791379449
        • Pages
        • 256pp
        • Size
        • 240mm x 287mm
        • Binding
        • Hard Cover

    More than just a truly outstanding graphic designer, Otl Eicher was an innovative thinker, photographer, typographer, ecologist, philosopher, and co-founder and mentor of Ulm's famous Hochschule fuer Gestaltung. On his centenary, this splendidly produced and designed book examines every aspect of his career and tracks many strands of his lasting influence. We learn about Eicher's work in developing corporate brands. He learns how he created the Rotis typeface and then built architecture that includes fonts, how he collaborated with artists and architects such as Joseph Albers, Alexander Kluge, and Norman Foster, and how his founding of the Ulm School of Design reflected teaching and his passion for an open, free, democratic society. Eicher's achievements are evident in almost every public space on Earth, and this solid and timely reference work properly places him as one of the pioneering geniuses of the last century.


    진정으로 뛰어난 그래픽 디자이너 이상으로, 오틀 아이허는 혁신적인 사상가, 사진작가, 타이포그래퍼, 생태학자, 철학자, 울름의 유명한 Hochschule fuer Gestaltung의 공동 설립자이자 멘토였습니다. 그의 탄생 100주년에, 화려하게 제작되고 디자인된 이 책은 그의 경력의 모든 면을 살피고, 그의 지속적인 영향력의 많은 가닥들을 추적합니다. 우리는 기업 브랜드를 개발하는 아이허의 작업에 대해 배웁니다. 그가 어떻게 로티스 서체를 만들고 그 다음에 글꼴을 포함하는 건축을 만들었는지, 그리고 요제프 알버스, 알렉산더 클루지, 노먼 포스터와 같은 예술가와 건축가들과 어떻게 협력했는지, 그리고 그의 울름 디자인 학교의 설립이 어떻게 가르치는 것과 개방적이고 자유로운 민주적인 사회를 위한 그의 열정을 반영했는지를 배웁니다. 아이허의 업적은 지구상의 거의 모든 공공 장소에서 분명히 드러나고 있으며, 이 확실하고 시의적절한 참고 작업은 아이허를 지난 세기의 선구적인 천재들 중 한 명으로 적절하게 배치합니다.

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