전체상품목록 바로가기

본문 바로가기

      • EN
      • Founded in 1978, the Japan Graphic Design Association JAGDA is the largest organization in the Japanese design industry and is the driving force behind Japan's design, which is active in discovering and supporting new designers by selecting fresh and high-quality graphic designers and awarding them new awards. This book introduces the designer indexes and works by selecting the winning works of JAGDA AWARDS by the following categories. We hope that your design will be upgraded further by gaining good inspiration from outstanding works in various fields selected by Japan's prestigious design associations.

      • Title
      • Price
      • KRW 120,000
      • Publisher
      • Rikuyosha
      • ISBN
      • 9784815100193
        • Pages
        • 468pp
        • Size
        • 200mm x 275mm
        • Binding
        • Hard Cover

    Founded in 1978, the Japan Graphic Design Association JAGDA is the largest organization in the Japanese design industry and is the driving force behind Japan's design, which is active in discovering and supporting new designers by selecting fresh and high-quality graphic designers and awarding them new awards. This book introduces the designer indexes and works by selecting the winning works of JAGDA AWARDS by the following categories. We hope that your design will be upgraded further by gaining good inspiration from outstanding works in various fields selected by Japan's prestigious design associations.


    1978년에 발족된 일본 그래픽 디자이너 협회 JAGDA는 일본 디자인 업계에서는 최대 규모를 자랑하는 단체이자, 신선하고 퀄리티가 우수한 그래픽 디자이너를 선정해 신인상을 주는 등 신규 디자이너의 발굴과 지원에도 활발한 활동을 보이는, 일본의 디자인을 이끌어나가는 원동력이 되어 주는 협회입니다. 본 서적은 JAGDA AWARDS의 수상작들을 아래의 카테고리 별로 선정하여 디자이너 인덱스와 작품을 소개합니다. 일본의 권위있는 디자인 협회에서 선정한 다양한 분야의 우수작을 통해 좋은 영감을 얻어 여러분의 디자인이 한층 더 업그레이드 되기를 바랍니다.

    상품 목록
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